A Kippa and a Belt in the Streets of Berlin (Part 2 of 2)

In our last note (see THIS ) we talked about the case of a 21-year-old man, Adam Armush, who was walking through the streets of Berlin wearing a Kippa, and was brutally attacked with a belt by a 19-year-old Syrian refugee.
There are some interesting elements in this special case:
√ The young man who was attacked, Adam Armush, is not Jewish. Adam is Arab (it was not clear to me if he is a Muslim Arab or a Christian Arab) born in Israel. And according to his own statements (see HERE) Adam was wearing a Kippa to show a (Jewish?) friend in Israel that it was not dangerous to wear a Kippa in Berlin
√The attack, and the aggressor, were filmed by Adam while he was attacked. The video was uploaded to Youtube (search for “Adam Arbush”).
√ The aggressor is Syrian and Sunni. At this moment the only country that is helping the Syrian Sunnis in their terrible fight against the bloodthirsty Assad Shiite regime is Israel. So far this war, 6-7 years, Assad has already killed more than half a million Syrians, mostly Sunnis. Israel, apart from having attacked Assad’s positions, has already treated more than 5,000 Sunni Syrian wounded (see this fascinating article about the renewed popularity of Israel among Sunni Syrians) .
In my opinion, the most worrying of this attack is that, according to the victim, while he was attacked in a affluent neighborhood in Berlin, there were about 50 people around, and with the exception of a woman who threatened to call the police, no one reacted or dared to intervene or to do something to defend the young man with Kippa.
The spontaneous reaction of the most important political leader of the Jewish community in Germany, Josef Shusster, was to recommend that the Jews NOT wear the Kippa in public places.
This attack, and the inopportune recommendation of Shusster, provoked the indignation of many people who on this past Wednesday organized in Berlin a march of solidarity attended by more than 2,500 individuals: Jews, Christians and Muslims, all wearing Kippa. This gesture, of course, is very encouraging, but I’m not sure it’s enough.
The new European anti-Semitism is not the anti-Semitism of the extreme right: nationalist anti-Semitism. This new anti-Semitism is entirely religious.  As it happened for centuries with Christianity during the Middle Ages, eliminating Jews was the best (or the only way) to eliminate the “mother religion” that resisted being replaced in a nice way, i.e., (conversion). Today, in the 21st century, radical Islam feels that it needs to prove that it is superior to Judaism. Islam is the youngest Biblical religion and therefore the most fragile , and defensive, in theological terms. The foundational idea that Muhammad was greater than Moses and that is Islam came to replace Judaism, can only be fully justified if Judaism disappears or if the Jews, until they disappear or convert, live as dhimmis, that is, subjected politically to Islam, as happened for centuries. But the stubborn Jews insist on surviving! Additionally, they have the chutzpah to resist submission (“Islam” means submission) and they even dare to have their own state!
In my opinion, this is the root not only of radical Islam’s anti-Semitism but also of the Arab countries are reluctance to accept a Jewish State.
Going back to Berlin, the present situation of the Yehudim, Barukh HaShem, has changed radically. Unlike 1940-1945, when the Jews were “stateless” and had to run from city to city seeking refuge and compassion, as of 1948, a Jew who does not live in Israel is no longer a refugee: he is a voluntary exilée.  EVER SINCE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MEDINAT ISRAEL, THERE ARE NO MORE JEWISH REFUGEES. WE HAVE OWN OUR STATE AND WE ARE CITIZENS OF FACTO OF ISRAEL, ALTHOUGH WE DO NOT LIVE THERE, JUST FOR BEING JEWISH (btw, this is because we are a NATION, not a RELIGION)
If I am right, and this new Muslim anti-Semitism has its origins in religious radicalization, attacks and incidents of this nature are not going to end when the last European Jew removes his Kippa or moves to Netanya. When that happens, Phase 2 will begin in Europe. Radicals will begin to get rid of the other European infidels, Christians, with belts, bombs or with a “pacific” demographic explosion. Maybe, then, some Europeans will try to seek refuge in the only country in the world that has the guts to fight successfully radical Islam: the State of Israel.