Yom haZikaron 2013

 Israel Independence Day–YOM HAATZMAUT–which will begin tonight, celebrates the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. 
Today, YOM HAZIKARON, the day preceding this celebration, is devoted to honor the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the achievement of Israel Independence and its continued existence.
They are our heroes, and as Nathan Alterman called them: “The silver platter on which the State of Israel was given to us” (read here). 

In Israel tens of thousands of people attend the local cemeteries to mourn their children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, and friends. 23.085 soldiers and victims of terrorism soldiers who fell on the wars of Israel from the Independence war in 1948 until today. 
In the morning, at 11.00 AM, a siren sounds across the country. Everyone and everything stops for two minutes: people, cars, businesses, public transportation, etc. honoring the memory of the fallen heroes. Many Israelis would spend the day at home watching on the Israeli TV the short clips prepared especially for the occasion, in which they show the lives, the bravery and the heroism, particularly of the 92 soldiers who were killed this year.
Please, light a candle in their memory. 
May the Almighty treasure their souls in the Gan Eden.
May HaShem protect our soldiers and shield them from the hands of our enemies.   
May HaShem bring peace, everlasting peace, to Medinat Israel. AMEN.