Yom Hazikaron: 23,447 z”l

We commemorate today Yom Hazikaron (“The Day of Remembrance” or “Memorial day”)  honoring the memory of the soldiers of the Israeli army who sacrificed their lives for the establishment of the State of Israel and its continued existence.
The young soldiers who gave their lives in the wars of Israel are the greatest heroes of Israel. “The silver platter” on which the State of Israel was delivered to us. As Rabbi Eliezer Melamed says, “these soldiers, most of them very young, sacrificed everything, so that we can have our land, where we can fulfill our greatest dream, all AM ISRAEL returning to their homeland to serve HaShem … .we should be inspired by their sacrifice and devotion to sanctify the name of God (leqaddesh shem shamayim). “
Today, in Israel, tens of thousands of people attend local cemeteries to mourn for their children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, grandparents, and friends. In the morning, at 11.00 am, a siren sounds throughout the country. Everything and everyone stops for two minutes: people, cars, businesses, public transportation, etc. to honor the memory of the fallen heroes and victims of terror.
This year we honor the memory of 23,447 soldiers and victims of terrorism who fell in Israel’s wars or terrorist attacks since the War of Independence in 1948 to the present day. Sixty eight new victims were added since last year’s Yom haZikaron. In addition, fifty-nine disabled veterans who served in the Israeli army, mostly young, died as a result of their condition.
Today, there are 9,442 parents who have lost children, 4,917 widows and 1,948 orphans, according to interior ministry of Israel.
May HaShem treasure the souls of the heroes of Israel in Gan Eden.
May He bless their families and grant them strength to bear the pain of the loss of their loved ones.
May HaShem bless the soldiers of Israel and protect them from our enemies.
May HaShem give us strength and victory, and bless Israel with peace. AMEN
The story of Roi Klein, z “l, the Israeliarmy sergeant who threw himself on a grenade to save the lives of his soldiers
The story of Miryam Peretz, and her two sons z “l