Tonight we celebrate Purim (2023)

לעשות אותם ימי משתה ושמחה ומשלח מנות איש לרעהו ומתנות לאביונים

Purim begins tonight, Monday, March 6th. It is a day of joy and celebration in commemorating our miraculous salvation. This joy should primarily lead us to express our gratitude to HaShem for saving us from the hand of our enemies. We explicitly declare our gratitude to HaShem in the prayer of “‘al haNisim,” which we add to the Amida and Birkat HaMazon.

There are four mitzvot that we observe during Purim to express our happiness:

  1. Megillat Esther, the public reading of the story of Purim.
  2. Mishloach Manot, gifts to our friends.
  3. Matanot laEbiyonim, gifts to the poor.
  4. Mishte, the Purim banquet.

MEGILAT ESTHER Megillat Esther is read twice during Purim, once during the night (Monday, March 6th), and the second time during the day (Tuesday, March 7th). Women, who are usually exempt from time-bound mitzvot, must participate in the reading of Megillat Esther. This is because Jewish women played a significant role in this miracle by being saved from the danger of extermination, and Queen Esther, a woman, had the most crucial role in delivering the Jews from genocide. Children are not obligated to listen to Megillat Esther but are encouraged to attend the synagogue during Purim and participate in the festivities. Parents must ensure that young children do not disrupt the reading of the Megillah.

MISHLOACH MANOT On the day of Purim, Tuesday, March 7th, we send two or more food gifts to one or more friends. Clothing, jewelry, or flowers are not considered Mishloach Manot. Only food and drinks may be used during the Purim banquet. Therefore, during the Purim banquet, we consume the food and drinks given to us by our friends. Knowing that our friends are thinking of us increases our joy, promotes friendship between families, and strengthens our unity as a people. That is why these gifts should not be sent anonymously. We must include at least two different types of food, usually a beverage and a baked product. The Mishloche Manot should not be given before Purim or during Purim night.

MATANOT LAEBYONIM Matanot laebiyonim, or “presents for people in need,” also involves sending food to those who need help to celebrate and enjoy the Purim banquet. We should give two prepared foods or food products and a beverage to two or more people. This Mitsva can also be fulfilled by giving two people the monetary equivalent of two meals for each one. Unlike mishloach manot, where the intention is to promote friendship and unity, and therefore, the person who receives the gifts should know who sent them, in the case of gifts for the poor, anonymity is a virtue because this Mitsva intends to help those who don’t have the means to enjoy a good festive meal to celebrate Purim with joy. When our means are limited, our Rabbis indicated that we should be more generous in giving to the poor and needy than spending on our Purim banquet.

MISHTE An important Mitsva that we celebrate on Purim is the Mishte or Seudat Purim, a celebratory meal. During the day of Purim, on Tuesday, March 7th, in the mid-afternoon, we participate in a festive meal or Se’udat Purim. At this banquet, we sing, rejoice, and convey our gratitude to HaShem for saving us from Haman’s decree. It is customary to serve wine at this banquet (MT Megilla 2:15) and to be glad and thankful for our deliverance. We should drink a little more than usual but with moderation, without bringing ourselves to intoxication or drunkenness (see this article on the subject written by the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Ytshaq Yosef, Shelita).

Inviting people who do not have the means to celebrate the Purim meal is considered the greatest merit of Purim. The rabbis say, “There is no greater happiness [for a Jew than the joy felt] when one gladdens the hearts and spirits of the poor, the orphans, and widows.”