Gaza, Israel and the slap in the face of President Macron


If I worked for Associated Press, I would have written this article today:

”A young Frenchman, Damien T., just 28 years old, was brutally attacked by five security officers, then violently subdued by French police, handcuffed and humiliated in front of hundreds of impressionable witnesses. The 28-year-old freedom fighter was taken in a special military vehicle, against his will, and transferred to a maximum security prison, where he was forced to undress and wear a humiliating prison uniform. All his basic human rights were taken away from him. It is still early to know the destructive impact that all this abuse of power will have in the near future on Damien’s mental health. And the damaging psychological wounds that this violent arrest will bring to his parents, siblings and young nephews. This is a crime against humanity, for which the French government should be unanimously and unambiguously condemned”.

If my journalistic article ended here, it would be perfectly similar to the way that almost all the media reports to the world when Israel responds militarily to criminal attacks launched from Gaza. When it comes to Israel, journalists victimize the criminal and completely ignore the original crime that triggered the use of force. And if the Hamas crime should NOT be mentioned, why then would it be relevant to mention that Damien T. slapped the French President, Emmanuel Macron? Or why no one questions France’s justice that “disproportionately” sentence Damien T to 4 months in jail!   A simple slap from Macron to Damien should be enough to solve this.   That would be truly proportional….

When Hamas attacks Israel with missiles and rockets, with the explicit aim of killing as many Jews as possible, the leaders of the European Union do not even mention Hamas but are quick to condemn Israel for the “disproportionate use of force.” … Following this ridiculous reasoning, the next time Hamas “slaps” Israel, the Jewish state should respond in a more canonical and European way: turning the other cheek…. like President Macron did.