How Can Israel Reach A Lasting Peace Agreement With Hamas?

OUR FRIENDS IN THE UNITED NATIONS Hamas and Israel reached a ceasefire. But as we have seen previously, these truces are short-lived. And world leaders, like Israel’s friends in the United Nations, who are always interested in the good of Israel, are pushing hard for Israel to give in; be a little more flexible and reach a FINAL and ROBUST long-lasting peace deal with Hamas. To be more precise, yesterday, “the members of the United Nations Security Council stressed the urgency of the restoration of calm in full and reiterated the importance of achieving a comprehensive peace based on the vision of a region where two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace…” What should Israel do to reach an agreement that would allow us to live in peace with Hamas?

A SMALL BARRIER FOR PEACE The first problem to achieve a final deal is that the Hamas’ constitution rejects a priori any peace agreement with Israel. In article 13 of Hamas charter says: “[Peace] initiatives and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction with the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas… Those conferences are nothing more than a means of naming the infidels [ USA, Russia, European Union] as arbitrators in the lands of Islam… There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except for Jihad [holy war against the infidels, the Jews]. The proposed peace initiatives and international congresses are but a waste of time, a futile and useless exercise”. Hamas is not interested in a horizontal relationship with Israel. The famous “Two states solution”, living together in peace, like two neighboring countries is not possible with Hamas. But we should not be so defeatist, right? Let us explore other great options we have to live in peace with our neighbors in Gaza.

CONVERSION To understand the “modest price” that we should have to pay in order to live in lasting peace with Hamas, let us remember that Hamas is similar to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State: radical and extreme. What these fundamentalist groups want is not “peace” with the enemy, but the “total submission” of the enemy. Thus, for Hamas mindset, peace with the enemy can only be achieved 1. When there is not two conflicting religions but one and the same religion for all (Islam), and 2. Everyone lives under one political regime, that is, a Caliphate. In other words, perhaps to please world leaders we should think about collective conversion…. The good news is that, as you can see in this video, the aspiration of these extremist groups does not end with the Jews
Friday Sermon in Egypt: Calls to Wage Jihad in Infidel Lands until Islam Rules the World

The “proactive Jihad” this speaker is referring to, will eventually reach Europe, the United States, and the rest of the world. So in a future Hamas Caliphate we will be in the company of many of our European friends! This is the first option for a lasting peace with Hamas, an option that I’m sure will make many world leaders very happy.
JEWS UNDER ISLAM For skeptics and naysayers, here is another possibility to reach a solid peace agreement between Israel and Hamas, one that will not involve a collective conversion. Does anyone remember what life was like for Jews in countries under Muslim rule? Basically, classical Islam is tolerant of “biblical” religious minorities — that is, Christians and Jews. Of course there are certain restrictions. A non-Muslim is considered a dhimmi that is, an individual of second class, who is allowed to “live in peace” under the protection of the Islamic State in exchange for a per-capita tax called the “jiziya”. To obtain a lasting peace with Hamas we should perhaps simply give up our Jewish state, accept political submission to the Caliphate and adopt voluntarily the status of dhimmis.
In this video we can recall better what the meaning of dhimmis was. 
Dhimmi: Minority Status and Submission

A SMALL RISK FOR A LASTING PEACE These two options seem very easy and accessible. But I confess that there might still be a slight problem: unfortunately —and I’m sure it is our fault! — not all Hamas leaders would agree to grant Jews the status of dhimmis . Yunis Al Astal, for example, an illustrious member of the Hamas Parliament, represents a less moderate position than his colleagues. In his opinion, we Jews are beyond redemption. Even if Israel opted for a total and unconditional submission to Hamas, according to this fellow: “Jews must be massacred … to prevent them from continuing to sow corruption in the world.” Here you can see directly the entire proposal of Mr. Yunis.
Hamas MP calls for murder of Jews, says Jews are more dangerous than COVID-19

However, I believe that with the priceless diplomatic help of our United Nations friends it will be possible to persuade Hamas to accept us as dhimmis, or at least to spare the lives of our wives and children, as ISIS did with the Yazidies in Iraq. See here. Al Astal himself suggests this option, probably on behalf of the most open-minded Hamas leaders: “We must return [the Jews] to the state of humiliation imposed on them as dhimmis … and they must pay the jiziya security tax as long as they live among us.”
Would world leaders be happy if we offer Hamas to become dhimmis?
At least we should try!
Yosef Bitton