TERUMA: Parasha Summary


This Parasha describes God’s instructions to Moses to invite the people to contribute whatever they can or want to contribute to the construction of the Tabernacle. The necessary materials included precious metals, fabrics, skins, linen, wood, spices, precious stones, etc. God gave detailed instructions to Moses about the construction and dimensions of the Tabernacle and its artifacts. First, the text describes the Ark that would contain the tablets of the Law. The Ark was to be made of acacia wood and covered in gold, with rings at its corners where poles could be inserted for transportation. The Ark would be covered with a pure gold lid, and two gold cherubim would be made from this cover.

Next, instructions were given for constructing the Table for the Bread of the Presence, which was also made of acacia wood and covered in gold. Then, the construction of the Menorah, the seven-branched candlestick that was to be made from a single block of pure gold with decorative terminations, was described.

The Torah then describes the construction of the Tabernacle’s sanctuary. The cover of the Sanctuary would consist of several tapestries: the first would be a combination of colorful wool and linen, and the second layer would be made of goat’s hair. These two large covers would also cover the exterior walls of the Tabernacle. The top of the Tabernacle would then be covered with dyed ram skins and skins of “tachash” (an animal whose identification is subject to discussion). The walls of the Tabernacle were to be made with acacia wood beams covered in gold. The bottom of each beam had to be inserted into two silver bases. The east side of the Tabernacle would be open, and its north and south sides would have 20 beams, while the west wall would have eight. The beams were joined by several crossbars.

The Tabernacle’s sanctuary consisted of two sections: the innermost chamber was the most sacred space where the Ark would be placed. The outer chamber, Hejal or Qodesh, would house the Menorah, the Golden Table, and the Altar of Incense.

Moses was then given instructions for the construction of the Altar. This altar was to be made of acacia wood covered in bronze and was to have four vertical projections at its corners. The altar was also to be made with rings and transportation poles.

The Tabernacle’s courtyard was to be 100 cubits (approximately 50 meters) by 50 cubits and was enclosed by linen curtains. The entrance to the courtyard was to be on its east side, covered by a woven wool and linen curtain.