Give your children everything they need; not everything they want


“When HaShem your God brings you into the land he promised to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…a land with large, flourishing cities that you did not build, with houses filled with all kinds of good things, that you did not provide; with wells that you did not dig, and with vineyards and olive groves, that you did not plant –  when you eat, and you are satisfied, do not forget HaShem, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” Deut. 6:10-12

The people of Israel are ready to enter the Promised Land. They will have to fight for it. But HaShem already promised them that He will join them in the battlefield. No one doubts they will succeed in defeating the enemies and conquering the land. The Tora, therefore,  is not concerned about war, fighting, military strategies, simply because the Almighty will be on our side. But the Tora is concerned about peace. About the potential side-effects of “inherited prosperity”. The Israelites will be coming to cities that are fully functional. They won’t even need to build the houses where they will live; the wells, are already filled with water, and the trees, vineyards and olive groves, are already planted and bearing fruits.

This scenario, which seems to be the greatest material dream for any mortal, is tricky. It might become a dangerous spiritual trap. The Tora warns the people of Israel against a a psychological phenomenon known as “affluenza”, that is, the negative side-effects or wealth. Affluenza might take place when one has what he or she needs, wants and  wishes. And the most common strand of affluenza affects people who have not worked and made huge sacrifices for what they have; but rather, they have inherited their wealth from others. Those who worked hard for what they have, usually appreciate what they have. Moshe Rabbenu understands that AM ISRAEL is in a similar situation. They will inherit everything for free. With no effort. And Moshe rabenu teaches them this valuable lesson: Beware of inherited well. Do not forget WHO gave it to you, and what HE expects from you: appreciation and kindness.

Many parents wrongly believe that giving their children everything they want without demanding any effort from them, is a way of loving them and for our kids to experience everlasting happiness. But showering our kids with riches and asking them nothing in return, kids will be exuding gratitude and appreciation, and eventually they will imitate them and feel a tremendous need to give and share with others. Many times, however, parents discover that far from raising happy and thankful sons and daughters, they have raised spoiled children, who do not feel any need to express gratitude and far from become great philanthropist they are always asking for more, and instead of contributing in producing wealth, they feel entitled to freely receive everything they want.