TEHILIM # 124: Saved, from the tunnels of death

 I was thinking about the war in Gaza and the terror tunnels that Israel has recently discovered. This discovery, and a (failed) terror operation in which 13 terrorist emerged from one of these tunnels into Israeli territory, was the last straw on the camel’s back, and the element which triggered the decision to begin a ground offensive in Gaza.
According to Israel’s Primer Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, these tunnels pose an “existential threat to Israel” . These tunnels connect Gaza with Israel, some of them reaching one kilometer or more inside Israel’s territory. They end in cities, kibbutzim, towns , etc.  These tunnels were ready to be used. Imagine if one day, has veshalom, 50 or more terrorist would have emerged simultaneously from 30 tunnels into the cities and Kibbutzim of Israel. According to Lt. Libby Weiss, an IDF spokeswoman,   Hamas terrorist could have killed hundreds or more Israeli citizen, commit acts of mass terror and kidnapped dozens of Jews using those tunnels.
The discovery of those tunnels, I believe, was an act of Divine Providence (השגחה , see this) And we should thank HaShem that this horrible threat, for which no Iron Dome defense has been found yet, was uncovered now and not after a mega terror attack.
This morning when I read Tehilim 124 (תהילים קכ”ד), a Mizmor we recite every morning, I realize that this Psalm is very appropriate (and inspiring!) for our circumstances. In this Mizmor, David haMelekh praises HaShem, and invites every Jew to do the same, for being on our side and for not letting the enemy harm us.  The enemies of Israel are compared with a wild animal, which seeks to destroy its pray with its teeth. Like a torrent of hatred, he aims to wipe us off the land. But HaShem frustrates their plans. We were caught and HaShem dismantled their trap. We escape, alive, like a flying bird, from their mortal ambush.
We should thank HaShem for opening the eyes of our brave soldiers and leaders, who discovered those deadly traps, and for helping us to avert the murderous plans of our enemies.

May HaShem protect all those who are risking their lives to protect us and bring a better future for Israel.  

May He bring victory and everlasting peace to Medinat Israel.

שיר המעלות לדוד לולי ה’ שהיה לנו יאמר נא ישראל    לולי ה’ שהיה לנו בקום עלינו אדם    אזי חיים בלעונו בחרות אפם בנו    אזי המים שטפונו נחלה עבר על נפשנו
אזי עבר על נפשנו המים הזידונים     ברוך ה’ שלא נתננו טרף לשניהם    נפשנו כצפור נמלטה מפח יוקשים הפח נשבר ואנחנו נמלטנו    עזרנו בשם ה’ עשה שמים וארץ
Tehilim, 124
1. A song of ascents by David, “What would have happened if HaShem had not been on our side?” Let all Israel repeat.  
2. “What could have happened if HaShem had not been on our side, when people [=the enemies of Israel] attack us?
3. Then they would have swallowed us alive, in their burning hatred  against us.
4. Then, like [torrents of] water [they] would have engulfed us; torrents which would have overwhelmed us.
5. The deadly waters of their fury, would have overwhelmed our very lives.
6. Blessed is HaShem, who did not let their teeth tear us apart!
7. We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free!
8. Our help comes from HaShem, who made heaven and earth.