TEHILIM # 04: Save me from my enemies



ִבקראי ענני א’  צדקי, בצר הרחבת לי חנני ושמע תפילתי

(4:2) My righteous God, answer me when I call to You. Grant me relief from my distress. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.

The time is a time of war. The numerous enemies of King David seek his destruction. David is brave and is ready to fight. To defend himself. But first, David calls HaShem. He prays to Him. He is surrounded by by his enemies, and he asks HaShem to deliver him. To give him relief and listen to his prayer.

בני איש עד מה כבודי לבלימה תאהבון ריק , תבקשו כזב סלה

(4:3) How long will you people try to humiliate me? How long will you love delusions and seek lies?

Now, completely sure that haShem will answer his prayer, David addresses his enemies, the enemies of Israel.  He tells them: for how long you will keep provoking me? Humiliating me?  For how long you will fabricate lies and falsehood against me?

ודעו כי הפלה  ה’ חסיד לו ה’ ישמע בקרי אליו

(4:4) You should know that HaShem has chosen his faithful servant for Himself; HaShem hears when I call to him.

You, and those who fight against Israel should know that you will not prevail. We are HaShem’s chosen people. As such, we are expected to have an exemplary behavior and follow HaShem’s Tora.  And when we sin, HaShem is very strict with us. But, when we are right and the enemy seek to harm us or hurt us, HaShem listens to our Tefila. He will protect us against you.

רגזו ואל תחטאו, אמרו בלבבכם על משכבכם ודמו סלה

(4:5)  “Tremble and do not sin. Be fearful of God. And stop conspiring at night to destroy me”. 

When you get together at night, planning to attacking and destroying me the next day, it will be better for you to think it twice. It is better for you to calm down. and keep quiet. Because challenging the people of God is like challenging God Himself.

בשלום יחדיו אשכבה ואישן, כי אתה ה’ לבדד לבטח תושיבני

(4:8) I will lie down in peace and fall asleep. For you alone, HaShem, make me dwell in safety.

As for me, David says in this last pasuq, I have nothing to fear.  I can rest peacefully at night. I will fall asleep without feeling guilt or without fear. Because I know that you HaShem, You are with me. And you will protect me so I will dwell safely.

May HaShem protect those who protect Israel. AMEN.