LASHON HARA: When you’re constantly criticizing others…


The Talmudic observation “Kol Haposel Bemumo Posel” (Aboda Zara 70b) suggests that if a person consistently finds fault in others for a particular issue, it may be a reflection of their own flaws. Unconsciously, a troubled individual compensates for their own fault by finding fault in others, which makes them feel superior and diminishes their own unconscious guilt.

It has been said about politicians that “the louder they would scream about family values, the more likely they are to be found in a compromising situation in a hotel room in Las Vegas.”

If you find yourself constantly criticizing and speaking negatively about others in a specific area, or if you are overly suspicious of their inner motives, it may indicate a serious personal problem in that sensitive area that you are not yet ready to confront.

For example, if you are excessively critical of people who give charity to your synagogue and accuse them of showing off, it may indicate that you have a strong desire to show off yourself, but are unaware of it. Your impulsive criticism about others might reveal the strongest flaws you should deal with.